Simple rule

If you think the rule is a little bit difficult, you can feel free to use a different rule that is easier to play with. 

Without using your dice and calendar piece,  you use only cards, three risk categories and tooth chips.  The rest of the rule is the same as the ordinary one: you protect the King of Teeth.  



1.On the three risk categories, you put the SAFETY pieces on the area of 3.  You put tooth chips on the game sheet as in the ordinary rule.  You pile up seven chips in the same order as usual.  


2.You shuffle 29 cards except the message card from the King of Teeth.  Players are allowed to get each card in turn from the top.  As you are given instructions, you move  SAFETY pieces.   

If nothing happens as to three risk categories, draw one more card. 


3.You take turns and draw a card.

If  SAFETY pieces are on level 1,  your tooth chip will be removed if you are instructed to move your chip backward.  After that, you restart the game by putting all of the three pieces on level 3. 

 Then the next player draws the card.  



4.You can decide how long it takes at the beginning (ex 15 minutes. ) 

As in the ordinary rule, you will read the message from the King of Teeth on the top at the end of the game.  

Read the golden card in the case of the white chip.

If all  tooth chips except Black tooth chip are gone, then you lose the game.  




Tips for learning:

As you look at the chart of the cards, categorize the same group and arrange them in front of you.